Camera setting help

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Camera setting help

Post by Ingsayyad »

My goal is to put a camera (virtually) on standpoint of the scanner (eyeposition(xo,yo,zo=0),rotation about x,y,z axis(phi=phi,psi=psi,theta=theta)) and view the scene.
I found 'viewing tool' in CloudCompare (CC). I don't know how can I use it usefully.
I need to get phi, psi ,theta( rotation about x,y,z axis) knowing that rotation center position(may be eyeposition in CC) is (xo,yo,zo=0).
I use view based perspective view. How can I convert (theta, phi, psi) in tradition rotation ( rotation about x,y,z axis).

Just to have closer look
q_cc.jpg (158.13 KiB) Viewed 4336 times
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