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Z value autoread from tiff?

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:30 am
by KajN

First of all, thank you for a wonderful software, it's saved my day many times.

I imported a tiff file into CloudCompare, and it autoread one of the bands as the Z value. Unfortunately it wasn't the correct band, it was the B value from my RGB (band #5).

I changed the Z value with the Set SF as coordinate, but when I wanted to edit the color from scalar fields, the B value was missing. It seems like when the tiff file was read into CloudCompare it selected a band as Z and removed it from further editing?

Thank you
Skärmbild 2024-11-11 112311.png
Skärmbild 2024-11-11 112311.png (8.83 KiB) Viewed 2079 times
EDIT: I reorder the bands in QGIS, so I could avoid the issue and place the Z value in band #5, but is this something that can be made in CloudCompare?

Re: Z value autoread from tiff?

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:50 am
by daniel
Not really... CloudCompare tries to auto-guess which band is which at best as it can, but apparently it failed! Don't hesitate to send me the original tiff file (with the 'wrong' order) if you want me to try to improve that. You can send it to

Re: Z value autoread from tiff?

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 1:55 pm
by KajN
Okay, thanks, I'll send a link when I have proper internet to upload it!