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upper point limit processing

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 3:03 pm
by azmann
I'm using CC to compare surface areas to create DEM differences (DoDs) for pretty large areas. Around 100,000,000 points per surface. I'm having really long processing times (~3 days) despite my 64bit machine running 32gb of ram. Is this because of how large the point clouds are?
The other issue I just discovered this morning when the first DoD was finished, I can't click on any of the menu options at the top of the screen (save being my chief concern at this moment).
Any thoughts?

Re: upper point limit processing

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:13 am
by daniel

indeed, 3 days seems a bit too much ;). After, it all depends on the cloud configuration (especially if there are a lot of points very far from the reference). What is clear is that the default octree (with 10 levels of subdivision) is not meant to be used with such large clouds (it's more around 10-20 millions).

We have a special version with an octree with 21 levels of subdivision that might help (send me an email if you're interested: cloudcompare [at] - this is a beta version so there might be issues).

The second issue is stranger: have you selected the cloud you want to save? Does the "Ctrl+S" shortcut works otherwise?

Re: upper point limit processing

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:21 pm
by azmann
The saving issue struck me as weird as well. I tried ctrl+S and everything else I could think of, and did have the cloud I was interested in selected. I ended up having to close out of it (which was very sad). I'll try sending you an email for a link to the beta version as well. Hopefully that will help.