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openMP issue with Poisson Reconstruction

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:01 pm
by jonathanbyrn
I am trying to use the poisson reconstruction plugin but every time I try to apply it I get this error:
CloudCompare: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/CloudCompare/plugins/ undefined symbol: omp_get_num_procs

extensive googling seems to indicate that this is a compile time requirement, rather than something missing at runtime but when I run cmake everything builds perfectly.
I am using the latest version on github and running it on ubuntu 14.04, the other plugins I build like the pcl library are running correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Re: openMP issue with Poisson Reconstruction

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:01 pm
by daniel
This error means that your compiler doesn't support OpenMP (which is strange for gcc/ubuntu but who knows...).

You have to deactivate the 'POISSON_RECON_WITH_OPEN_MP' option in CMake.

Re: openMP issue with Poisson Reconstruction

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:41 am
by jonathanbyrn
That confused me aswell, if it compiles correctly with gnu and the -fopenmp flag then surely it should find the methods at runtime. Anyways I rebuilt it without openMP and now it is working correctly. Thanks again for your help and I will post on the github bug tracker in future.