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Nice to Have....

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:45 am
by Steve L~
Here's a couple of my suggestions for useful features:

1) Variable lighting level for the Custom Light: I use the EDL lighting a lot for visualisations, but sometimes rendering is a bit dark - some control on the Custom Light would be great.

2) A 3d clipping box that permits multiple cloud selection. A control similar to the Cross Section 3D box that permits a 3d selection of points to be extracted into a new cloud, really useful for me when extracting objects represented from several separate clouds. Just the 3d box on a single cloud would be a good tool on its own.

3) ....and, of course, a fly-though avi recorder....

Re: Nice to Have....

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:13 pm
by daniel
1) The sun and custom light have the same parameters. You can edit them with the 'wrench' icon (or Display > Display Settings) then go the 'Color and Materials' group ('Light' section). I think the parameter could be added to the qEDL shader (a kind of 'boost' parameter) but I'm not sure how to add such a parameter dialog for shaders. I'll add this to the TODO list anyway.

2) The selection of the points falling inside a 3D box (for a single cloud) is exactly one of the purposes of the Cross Section tool. Simply setup the box then click on the first icon of the 'Slices' group. Handling multiple clouds in the 3D box is already in the TODO list.

3) Same thing, already in the TODO list (but far far away ;)