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Export scalar field bug

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:51 pm
by patcarbon007
Fun times:

I need to export a scalar field into matlab but it's not working, I tried:
1) export as an ascii ply. Not good. The X Y (big numbers) are truncated to integers.
2) export as .txt ascii. X Y are now fine but the scalar field is mangled and completely wrong.

Tried this in 2.5.4 then tried 2.5.5 but in the latest CC, 'Apply Transform' crashed 50% of the time (was fine in 2.5.4). I tried to upload sample data, but the forum won't take bin or ply files...

Any ideas?

Re: Export scalar field bug

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:31 pm
by patcarbon007
found a workaround, seems like the ascii save bug only affects the last column. So if you create a bogus scalar field, like a rough with a kernel of 0, the penultimate scalar gets saved correctly. This works on the comandline even if it creates extra files.

Still, would be nice if we could save to ply with full precision.


Re: Export scalar field bug

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:00 pm
by daniel
I can't reproduce this bug... nor with ASCII or PLY (apart that the rply library seems to save numbers in ASCII format with a relatively low precision indeed - but I have 4 digits on my side, not zero precision).

Can you send me the file maybe? (cloudcompare [at]

And by the way, on which system are you working?