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Steve L~
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:11 pm


Post by Steve L~ »

Hello All,

I seem to be getting a lot of crashes when undertaking segmenting - the windows egg timer (actually its the spinning disc of doom) appears and CC halts. Task manager shows it as inactive.

I'm using Version: [Windows 64 bits] on Windows 7. Could it be file size ? its running at about 500Mb and probably the biggest I've worked on to date....

Just me...?
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Re: Crashes

Post by daniel »

Does the program actually crashes or does it just wait for an infinite time? Because if the project is too big you'll likely make Windows swap and the process might become veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyyy slow.

But of course it could be a simple bug related to memory management ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Steve L~
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Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:11 pm

Re: Crashes

Post by Steve L~ »

Hmm, it could be CC is having a long think but I dont think so as I left the last one over half an hour and it didnt revive.

I've turned off the 'Try to load Clouds on GPU for faster display' since and its not crashed once since. Maybe something to do with that? I'm running a Quadro K5000M card if it helps
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Re: Crashes

Post by daniel »

Interesting lead! That could definitely be a cause... I'll try to reproduce this on my side.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Crashes

Post by cforte1 »

Hi. I am having many crashed with CC. This happens mostly when cutting and working with smaller parts. After splitting a point cloud into say 8 parts and I start to rotate to side and cut out, at some point (not the same), it simply crashes and Ioose all my data. I am working with .las files containing 100-200 mil points with rgb values. My system is an HP Z820 Workstation with 96Gb ram, 2 physical 8 core Xeon processors and an NVIDIA Quadro 4000 GPU.
I have the feeling it is the GPU and maybe changing CUDA settings for CC would help but have no idea where to start.
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Location: Grenoble, France

Re: Crashes

Post by daniel »

Well the first culprit is clearly the new option to load clouds on the GPU memory to display them faster (with VBOs). You can disable it in the 'Display options' (the checkbox 'try to load clouds on the GPU for faster display'). It would be a shame that it doesn't work on a Quadro but who knows...

Another option is a driver issue.

Otherwise, do the crashes occurr at a purely random time or when you click on buttons, etc.?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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