Cloud-to-Primitive Distance

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This tool is accessible via the 'Tools > Distances > Cloud/Primitive dist.' menu entry.


Computes the mathematically correct distance between a cloud and a primitive entity or a polyline. Instead of using the 3D representation of the entity (as a triangular mesh), this method will compute the exact distance to the primitive. It's faster and more accurate.

Supported primitives are:

  • Plane
  • Sphere
  • Cylinder
  • Cone
  • Box
  • Polyline


Cloud-to-primitive distances dialog
  • treat planes as bounded: to consider plane entities as infinite planes (unchecked), or as a bounded rectangle (checked)
  • signed distances: whether to compute signed or unsigned distances
  • flip normals: whether to flip the normals of the primitive (only enabled if 'signed distances' is checked)