Scalar fields\Compute statistical parameters

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Revision as of 01:14, 20 February 2015 by Daniel (talk | contribs) (→‎Folded Normal Distribution)
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This tool is accessible via the 'Edit > Scalar fields > Compute stat. params' menu or the CcComputeStat.png icon in the upper main toolbar.


Fits a statistical distribution on the active scalar field values.

CloudCompare will first ask for the type of distribution to fit:

CloudCompare will then fit the chosen distribution and display the result as a curve overlaid on the SF histogram.

Edit > Scalar Fields > Compute stat. params output

The numerical parameters of the distribution are also displayed in the Console. The Chi-squared distance is also output so as to give an evaluation of the fitting process quality.

Folded Normal Distribution

Beware that the Folded Normal distribution is not the same as the Normal distribution.

For instance, the output of the cloud-to-cloud distance computation tool is unsigned (i.e. no negative values are output, only their absolute values). In such a case there's absolutely no chance that the resulting distance values follow a Normal Distribution.

Even if the deformations you are measuring do follow a Normal distribution (in real life), then the absolute values will follow a Folded Normal Distribution. Currently CloudCompare can't fit such a distribution on a scalar field.