Sensors\Ground Based Lidar\Create

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This tool is accessible via the 'Edit > Sensors > TLS/GBL > Create' menu.


Creates a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS - also called a Ground Based Lidar = GBL) sensor entity attached to the selected cloud.

Edit > Sensor > Create > GBL sensor dialog

The user must specify the main intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the sensor (absolute position and orientation, angular steps, etc.).

Note: since version 2.5.6, angles are now expressed in degrees and aircraft denominations (yaw/pitch) are used so as to make things clearer.

Clicking on the 'OK' button will create a new sensor object. A depth map is automatically generated and displayed by CloudCompare so as to let the user visually check the parameters.

GBL sensor depth map

By default the sensor object is added as a child of the selected cloud in the DB tree. It is also visible in the 3D view (warning: you may have to change its 'drawing scale' - see the sensor object properties - to view it correctly).

GBL sensor object (as visible in the DB tree and in a 3D view