Display\Camera settings

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Revision as of 06:48, 20 February 2015 by Daniel (talk | contribs) (→‎Main parameters)
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This method is accessible via the Camera.png icon in the left 'View' toolbar or the 'Display > Camera settings' menu.


This method displays the 'Camera settings' dialog:

Cc camera parameters.jpg

Main parameters

The user can change most of the parameters of the (OpenGL) camera of the active 3D view:

  • the camera orientation (with Euler angles: phi, theta and psi)
  • the scene rotation center (the CcPointPicking small.png icon lets the user pick a point in the 3D scene as new rotation center)
  • the camera/eye center
  • the field of view (only effective in perspective mode)
  • the near clipping plane (only effective in perspective mode)

Note: when changing a parameter the 3D view is directly updated. And conversely, when modifying the 3D view camera position or orientation while this dialog is opened the dialog parameters should be directly updated.

Cart system

The cart SmallBasket.png icon let the user store the current camera orientation.

Once done the stored camera orientation can be restored with the SmallReset.png icon.

Moreover the user can set predefined views (from top, bottom, left, right, front, back and 2 isometric views) relatively to the stored orientation.