Standard plugins
- [Windows, Mac OS, Linux] qCompass Easy digitization of geological structures and structural traces on point clouds
- [Windows, Mac OS] qVirtualBroom Efficient (road) scan cleaning
- [Windows, Mac OS] qHoughNormals Normals computation
- [Windows, Mac OS] qHPR Hidden Points Removal
- [Windows, Linux] qPCL Interface for PCL library (normals computation, outliers removal, etc.)
- [Windows, Mac OS] qPCV Ambient Occlusion for mesh or point cloud (output: per-point 'visibility' as a scalar field)
- [Windows, Mac OS, Linux] qPoissonRecon Surface Mesh Reconstruction (for closed surfaces)
- [Windows, Linux] qRansacSD Automatic RANSAC Shape Detection
- [Windows, Mac OS] qSRA Surface of Revolution Analysis (comparison between a point cloud and a surface of revolution)
- [Windows] qCANUPO Point Cloud Classification with CANUPO
- [Windows, Mac OS, Linux] qM3C2 Computation of robust signed distances between point clouds
- [Windows] qCork Mesh Boolean Operations (Constructive Solid Geometry) based on the Cork library
- [Windows, Mac OS] qAnimation Animation rendering plugin
- [Windows, Mac OS] qFacets Structural geology plugin
- [Windows, Mac OS] qCSF Automatic ground/non-ground classification algorithm based on Cloth Simulation
- qKinect Acquisition of colored point clouds with a Kinect device