Toolbars and icons

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Icons in each toolbar are described from left to right.

All toolbars are dockable elements that can be freely displaced, docked or let floating over the application window.

Main toolbar

QCC main toolbar.jpg

Scalar fields toolbar

QCC sf toolbar.jpg

OpenGL filters (shaders) toolbar

The content of this toolbar depends on the detected/supported "shaders" plugins that have been successfully loaded at startup.
QCC gl filters toolbar.jpg

  • Remove active OpenGL filter
  • Blur (simple screen blurring - for demo)
  • E.D.L. (Eye Dome Lighting)
  • S.S.A.O. (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion)
  • ...

Standard plugins toolbar

The content of this toolbar depends on the detected/supported plugins that have been successfully loaded at startup.

QCC plugins toolbar.jpg


  • additional toolbars can be added by plugins with multiple methods (e.g. qPCL, qSRA, qCANUPO, etc.)
  • see the plugins list

3D view toolbar

QCC display toolbar.jpg

  • CcSettings.png Display settings (lights, materials, colors, etc.)
  • Camera.png Camera settings (active 3D view)
  • CcGlobalZoom.png Full scene zoom (active 3D view)
  • CcPickCenter.pngPick a point as rotation center (active 3D view) - works also on meshes/triangles
  • CcPickCenterAuto.pngAutomatically pick a point as rotation center in the middle of the screen (active 3D view) - works also on meshes/triangles
  • CcOrthoMode small.png Select projection mode (orthographic / perspective)
  • CcPivotOn small.png Set rotation symbol visibility
  • CcZoom.png Zoom (and center) on selected entities
  • CcViewZpos.png Set camera to top view
  • CcViewYpos.png Set camera to front view
  • CcViewXpos.png Set camera to left view
  • CcViewYneg.png Set camera to back view
  • CcViewXneg.png Set camera to right view
  • CcViewZneg.png Set camera to bottom view
  • CcViewIso1 small.png Set camera to iso view (front)
  • CcViewIso2 small.png Set camera to iso view (back)
  • CcStereo.png Enable stereo (anaglyph) mode

Note: this toolbar is situated on the left side by default.